Software layout

Bracket complete

De support

Add powder
Scraper leveling
printing complete

Start printing


3D Printing Of Dental Metal
Metal sintering (SLM) is a 3D printing technology that uses metal powder to directly print metal parts. During printing, a scraper lays a layer of metal powder on the base plate of the forming cylinder. The laser beam will selectively melt the powder according to the cross-sectional profile of each layer of the part to process the current layer After one layer of sintering is completed, the height of one section of the system will be raised and lowered. The powder spreading roller will lay another layer of metal powder on the formed section layer and sinter the next layer. In this way, the whole part will be processed layer by layer until the whole part is sintered. The whole forming process will be carried out in the processing room filled with vacuum or protective gas to avoid the reaction of metal with other gases at high temperature